Choosing a Creative Commons License
Blog post: Choosing a creative commons license:
I have considered the different options from among Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivative Works and ShareAlike for the license of choice for my work (blog posts for the OpenLearn course).
Licenses for my blog posts:
I would like to choose “Attribution, ShareAlike” option for the blog posts. Attribution option allows other people to freely redistribute my work as long as they give me credit. If I wanted my work to be widely circulated and acknowledged this is the way to go. ShareAlike pushes the users of my work to share my work with their additions with the wider audience. I will choose not to add non-commercial (as long as permitted) as what constitutes commercial is a grey area. An example can be my blog post is used as educational resource and given out to students for free but a course fee may be charged to the students. I will also choose not to add non-derivative because others can make additions or changes and thus add value that can be helpful and useful for others.
Licenses for previously produced work:
- Linkages report SBDRM and CBDRM: The linkages between school based disaster risk management and community based disaster risk management was published in 2019. I would choose Attribution, Non-commercial and ShareAlike. The reasons for Attribution and ShareAlike remain the same as mentioned above. I will add the Non-commercial use as this was a condition imposed by the donor who funded and supported the study.
- Teacher training manual for SBDRM: The training manuals were produced in 2018/19. I would choose Attribution, Non-commercial and ShareAlike. The reasons for Attribution and ShareAlike remain the same as mentioned above. I will add the Non-commercial use as this was a condition imposed by the donor who funded and supported the study.
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